313th Recruiting Squadron

The 313th Recruiting Squadron, commanded by Lt. Col. Christina Gustafson, is one of the nine recruiting squadrons, within the 360th Recruiting Group, that is responsible for inspiring, engaging, and recruiting future Airmen to deliver airpower for America. The 313th RCS includes 88 active duty and civilian personnel, 55 recruiting offices, four Military Entrance Processing Stations. They have an area of operation that is responsible 55,399 square miles that includes all of New York state and McKean County, Pennsylvania. 

The 313th RCS is headquartered in North Syracuse, New York.

313th Recruiting Squadron
401 N. Main Street, Suite 4
North Syracuse, NY 13212-1630
Phone: 315-452-9050
Fax: 315-452-9070

(315) 452-9050 Ext. 227

Recruiter Assistance Program Monitor
(315) 452-9050 Ext. 207 or 209

Send RAP Applications/AFRS FM 1327s to:


Recruiter  Location Phone Number
Albany, New York (901) 857-9256
Batavia, New York (892) 343-4510
Bay Shore, New York (886) 665-4941
Bronx, New York (871) 924-1387
Bronx, New York (872) 530-4355
Brooklyn, New York (859) 745-0054
Brooklyn, New York (862) 745-0054
Brooklyn, New York (863) 859-7080
Cicero, New York (874) 458-4909
Cicero, New York (875) 458-4904
Depew, New York (893) 681-5740
Elmhurst, New York (866) 286-6260
Elmhurst, New York (867) 920-7436
Freeport, New York (888) 626-4989
Freeport, New York (889) 993-6279
Geneva, New York (854) 382-3159
Greece, New York (857) 270-4158
Green Island, New York (904) 271-9160
Hamburg, New York (894) 969-3022
Henrietta, New York (855) 270-4158
Henrietta, New York (856) 427-7670
Hicksville, New York (885) 229-4251
Horseheads, New York (853) 796-5176
Jamaica, New York (860) 466-1473
Jamaica, New York (861) 300-7674
Jamestown, New York (896) 487-8000
Johnstown, New York (900) 857-9257
Kingston, New York (852) 764-1210
Middletown, New York (849) 754-1151
Newburgh, New York (845) 764-1210
New Windsor, New York (850) 561-1501
New York, New York (865) 530-4355
New York, New York (868) 530-4355
New York, New York (869) 600-4855
New York, New York (870) 427-6252
North Syracuse, New York (873) 452-9059
Olean, New York (895) 383-1078
Oneonta, New York (851) 873-3543
Oswego, New York (858) 342-0380
Patchogue, New York (882) 361-8102
Patchogue, New York (883) 490-1496
Patchogue, New York (884) 626-4988
Peekskill, New York (847) 879-2262
Plattsburgh, New York (903) 857-9257
Poughkeepsie, New York (846) 297-3061
Queensbury, New York (897) 857-9257
Queensbury, New York (898) 792-4592
Riverhead, New York (887) 727-2053
Rome, New York (876) 281-8477
Saratoga Springs, New York (899) 857-9257
Saratoga Springs, New York (902) 859-0297
Spring Valley, New York (848) 906-6609
Staten Island, New York (864) 442-7178
Vestal, New York (880) 203-1332
Vestal, New York (881) 452-9059
Watertown, New York (877) 782-5797
Watertown, New York (878) 317-9791
Watertown, New York (879) 452-9059
Williamsville, New York (890) 633-2929
Williamsville, New York (891) 286-6252


(Current as of February 2021)